Monday, October 11, 2010


Animals make up one of five groups of living things. Scientists divide living things into groups called kingdoms. Animals come in many shapes and sizes, and they live all over the world. Animals walk or crawl on land and dig through the dirt. Some animals swim in the water, some fly through the air. Animals are different from other living things in many ways.

Mammals are animals with fur or hair. Mammals are animals that feed their youg on the mothers milk. All mammals are warm-blooded. Some exapmles of mammals are: Elephants, Tigers, Zebras, Cows, Whales, Kangaroos, Manatees, Monkeys, Dolphins, Leopards, Lions, Hippos, Seals, Giraffes, Horses, Cheetahs, & etc.

Birds are animals with feathers. They are the only animals with feathers. Some are bright colors, and some are dark. Birds have wings and beaks. They have the ability to fly, and some birds can even swim, for example a penguin. Some examples of birds are: Blue Jays, Flamingos, Owls, Cardinals, Porrots, Eagles, Robins, Hawks, Ostriches, Penguins, Falcons, Chickens, Peacocks, & etc.

Reptiles are animals that have dry, scale skin. They breathe by using their lungs. Reptiles are cold-blooded animals. Cold-blooded means that their body temprature chage with the temprature around them. Some reptiles can be vicious and poisonous and some can be unharmful. Some Examples of reptiles are: Snakes, Alligators, Crocodiles, Turtles, Lizards, & etc.

Amphibians are animals that live part of their lives in the water and part of it on the land/surface. Amphibians are vertebrates, or animals with backbones. They are cold-blooded. They have moist skins, or in other words they have wet skin. Some examples of Amphibians are Frogs/Toads, Salamanders, & etc.

Fishes are animals with backbones that live in the water. Fish live almost everywhere that water can be found. A fish has no neck. Fishes come in many colors, shapes, and sizes. Fishes must stay in the water in order for then to live. Some examples of fishes are: Seahorses, Sharks, Jellyfish, Puffer fish, Paranas, Goldfishes, & etc.